How To Explain The Costs Of Cloud Computing To Healthcare Execs

How Much is Spent Worldwide on IT Costs? Worldwide IT costs in 2018 hit an estimated $3.7 trillion, up 4.3 percent over the prior year, according to the Gartner, Inc. With so much at stake, it’s essential for all companies that utilize IT to consider the pros and cons of a traditional IT approach versus moving […]

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Should Your Business Upgrade It’s Website To WordPress 5.0.2

Only a few short weeks ago, we wrote about the introduction of WordPress 5.0 in early December and discussed whether or not your company should upgrade now, never or at a later date. Our recommendation was to wait until some of the bugs had been worked out of the system and until your business has […]

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How Automation Will Change New Jersey’s Economy

Technology is changing the face of almost every industry, and anyone who can’t keep up will be left behind. The United States has far more STEM jobs than qualified applicants to fill them, with the need growing steadily. Just in 2016, there were about 3 million jobs which couldn’t be filled because there weren’t enough […]

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Have You Made Up Your Mind Regarding Your 2019 Technology Plan?

December 31st is Make Up Your Mind Day As New Year’s Eve approaches, it’s time to remember its other name: Make Up Your Mind Day. As the last day of the business year for most companies, it’s also a vital point for putting your plans for the next year into action. Unfortunately, creating a business […]

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5 Tips To Boost The Performance Of Your Business WiFi Network

It’s difficult to imagine a modern business that doesn’t have Wi-Fi. The internet is one of the most powerful tools in the world right now, and every level of every business typically needs it on demand. For most business locations, that access is determined by the integrity of the Wi-Fi network. There are a lot […]

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Cyberthugs Have Made $4 Million So Far in Email Sextrotion

Not every internet scam needs sophisticated software to put into action. In fact, one of the most successful ones going on right now is incredibly simple in operation, while being quite sophisticated in its psychological tactics. It is the psychology of it that gets people to send the scammers money. The concept of the latest […]

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Homeland Security Has Some Great Cybersecurity Resources

If you own or manage a small business, you’re undoubtedly concerned about how to keep your customers’ personal and your business’ proprietary and financial information secure. While you may not think that you have much to steal, since you are a small operation, a cyber thief misappropriating your customers’ credit card and bank account information […]

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Is Your 2019 Business Technology Plan Completed?

The new year is already upon us, but it is not too late to put together a solid, sensible information technology plan for 2019. Strategic planning in all areas of operation—including technology—helps organizations budget for and efficiently manage day-to-day requirements while investing in long-term projects and solutions. As your business evolves, so will it’s IT […]

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Anthem Reveals More About Data Breach and Warns of Phishing Scam

Data breaches and phishing scams are becoming more popular among cybercriminals. There have been so many data breaches, in fact, that the chances that some of your private information has been discovered by online scammers and sold to other ones are pretty high. One of the most significant data breaches in recent years (that has […]

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Amazon Now Into Healthcare?

Is Amazon Getting Into Healthcare? Amazon has already gotten into healthcare. The world’s largest internet company and third-largest retailer announced in January that it was forming an independent healthcare company for its own employees and the employees of other finance and multinational business giants: JP Morgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway. Often overlooked in news reports, […]

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