Microsoft Office 365 Business vs. Microsoft 365

Two subscription-based software programs available from Microsoft are Office 365 and Microsoft 365, both developed for small to medium-sized businesses and even larger companies. There are some similarities and differences between the two to help you decide which one you need for your organization. For even larger organizations there is Microsoft Enterprise that may have […]

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11 Top Questions HIPAA Compliance Officers Need To Know

HIPAA, an acronym of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton back in 1996. Initially, HIPAA has meant to reform the healthcare industry for two reasons. One was to ensure employees that were between jobs would still have healthcare coverage (P meaning portability). The second was to […]

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2018 Was a Record Year for HIPAA Penalties

2018 turned out to be a year of record fines for HIPAA violations. Over $25 million in fines, with the mean fine being just over $2.5 million. Could your medical entity bear that financial burden? Would it suffer irreparable harm from the adverse publicity? And just what violations did these healthcare entities do to get […]

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How To Restore Files With Microsoft OneDrive

  Accidentally deleting a file or folder was once something that could ruin your entire day, week, or month even — maybe even your career. All that work put into it. Countless hours put into it. And then: gone. Fortunately for those of you using Microsoft OneDrive for professional, personal, or academic reasons, there may […]

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Windows 7: Under One Year Until Support Ends

Use Windows 7? Do you love your Windows 7? Will your need or desire to continue to use Windows 7 surpass this year? If so, you should be aware that in just under one year — January 14, 2020, specifically — Windows 7 Extended Support ends for most users. As such, there are things you […]

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10 Amazing Benefits To Outsourcing Your Help Desk

With organizations working increasingly advanced technology into most aspects of their daily operation, it only follows that employees and customers may occasionally need help using those technologies and fixing problems they encounter. Help desks have emerged as the primary method for giving IT users the support they require to work effectively with technology as they […]

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FBI Warns Businesses Of Cyber Attack From China

Who Has Been Impacted by Chinese Cyber Attacks? At the beginning of the year, the FBI warned businesses to protect themselves from cyber attacks by foreign entities, saying activity has spiked in the past 18 months. Hewlett Packard and IBM are among the businesses most recently targeted. There’s a National Counter-Intelligence and Security Center that […]

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How To Open A Shared Mailbox Using Microsoft Outlook 2016

A shared mailbox in Microsoft Outlook will prove invaluable if your team is collaborating on a project, as they can exchange messages from a central platform. A communal email center is also an asset if your employees are responsible for responding to customer inquiries. Outlook Calendar allows members to create events or let others know […]

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The Hidden Costs of Your Next Data Breach

Ask any small or medium-sized business owner and they’ll tell you the same thing: They’re terrified of a data breach. Sure, their fears might not exist on the same plane as, say, a Target or a Wells Fargo, but that doesn’t mean they’re not real and quantifiable. The average numbers are pretty scary, in fact. […]

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2019 Best Practices For Keeping Your Password Secure

Every account you have is protected by a password or a PIN of some kind. A PIN is a personal identification number that is unique to the account it is attached to. In some cases, you are allowed to choose your own PIN. For other accounts, you must use the PIN or password that is […]

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How To Explain The Costs Of Cloud Computing To Healthcare Execs

How Much is Spent Worldwide on IT Costs? Worldwide IT costs in 2018 hit an estimated $3.7 trillion, up 4.3 percent over the prior year, according to the Gartner, Inc. With so much at stake, it’s essential for all companies that utilize IT to consider the pros and cons of a traditional IT approach versus moving […]

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Should Your Business Upgrade It’s Website To WordPress 5.0.2

Only a few short weeks ago, we wrote about the introduction of WordPress 5.0 in early December and discussed whether or not your company should upgrade now, never or at a later date. Our recommendation was to wait until some of the bugs had been worked out of the system and until your business has […]

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