Hiring Tech: 2019 CEOs Tech Hiring Guide

As your business operations evolve and expand, you’ll likely reach a critical point in your company’s growth where the tasks required will outnumber the staff you have available. Deciding to outsource work might be a difficult decision, partly because of budgeting and partly because onboarding new parties to your business’ processes is daunting—especially if you’re […]

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New Way To Communicate

The Power to Conference & Collaborate Better Can Be Yours Microsoft has just announced the June 2019 release of its Surface Hub 2, a tool for conferencing and collaboration among teams. This is the Surface Hub’s successor, and it boasts improvements to the responsiveness of its active touch screens, snazzy 4K displays for crystal clear display capabilities, […]

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Microsoft Accounts Targeted For Months, Hackers Serve A Security Reminder

Microsoft began notifying Outlook.com users of a 2019 security breach that occurred between January 1st and March 28th. Hackers were unintentionally given unauthorized access to some accounts, where they were then able to view subject lines, email addresses, and folder names. While no login details—including passwords—were directly accessed as part of this breach, Microsoft did […]

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What Role Do Robots Play In Healthcare?

Artificial intelligence and robotics are poised to change the entire economic landscape over the coming decades, with an estimated 30% of existing jobs poised to be taken over by robots by 2030. Nowhere is this more evident than in healthcare. Many healthcare tasks are routine and prone to human error, making them prime targets for automation. At […]

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Is Healthcare Ready For Digital Communications?

The healthcare industry is currently facing a crisis. Hounded by criticism of insufficient access to providers and poor bedside manner, skepticism abounds on the part of patients and their families. But with administrative tasks and paperwork at an all-time high, how can healthcare teams find the time to give their patients the attention and information […]

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CFO Tech Blog: How To Become The Tech Savvy CFO

More than ever, today’s CFOs are expected to have a degree of tech savviness. Big data and analytics are tools that are just too powerful to ignore in the CFO suite. If you’re not particularly tech savvy, harnessing the power of these tools to the fullest extent will remain out of reach. Why You Need […]

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Tech Education: What Is Microsoft Office 365?

  The ability to work anywhere used to be limited to freelancers and writers, but today’s professionals need the flexibility to be productive regardless of their physical location. Microsoft Office 365 provides the full-featured suite of services that businesses need to scale quickly and focus on core growth. While Office 365 may call to mind […]

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Is Virtual Reality For Real In Healthcare?

Over the last couple of years, both the concept and the real world application of Virtual Reality (VR) has moved from the fringes of our imagination, into everyday use. What was once a technology that was considered as only beneficial in computer games and futuristic projects designed never to come to fruition, is now infiltrating […]

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How To Encrypt an Email In Microsoft Outlook

There is any number of reasons to encrypt an email in Microsoft Office Outlook, anything from details about your salary to negotiations to purchase a business. With the state of cybersecurity, you need to know that you are protected from individuals who may attempt to hijack your email as it is in transit between locations, […]

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Are Healthcare Providers Slow To Embrace Digital Technologies?

Medical appointments and doctors’ visits are not enough. Patients want more contact with their healthcare providers, without necessarily needing to schedule more appointments and spend more time in the waiting room. 74% of patients polled in a recent West survey expressed a desire for more communication beyond the medical office visit. This hunger for more communication parallels […]

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