How Technology Can Assist CFOs and Their Expanding Job Functions

CFOs & Technology The CFO role continues to evolve. CFOs used to be considered fairly powerless scorekeepers or merely chief bean counters, but today the role has taken on more responsibility as well as prominence. Of course, any CFO will tell you that the old role is not unimportant, and it has not gone away. […]

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Shopping For a Retail POS System?

Whether you are starting out or ready to upgrade, there is a lot to consider when you’re shopping for a retail POS. These topics will help accelerate your research. In a retail business, the selection of your point of sale software and hardware is a crucial one. You need to know that your selected vendor […]

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SD-WAN and MPLS Battle: Which Is Better?

What’s your favorite: red or blue? Sometimes there are no wrong answers to a question, and that may be the case when you consider the various infrastructure options of SD-WAN vs. MPLS. Can one be truly considered “better” than the other? It depends on the goals and requirements of your organization as well as the […]

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Why CEOs Must See Information Technology As Strategic

For far too long, CEOs have seen information technology as a sunken cost that needs to be absorbed and reluctantly accepted. New platforms, upgrades, platform conversions, hardware, software and other technologies are a financial pain point that needs to be endured. However, for success today, company leaders need to take a completely different approach. Information […]

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What Are the Benefits of SD-WAN for Today’s Businesses?

Ensuring that you have a high-speed, highly reliable digital connection to the world is crucial for today’s technology leaders. Business professionals are now accustomed to near-instant access to the information and platforms that they need and are increasingly unwilling to accept less than perfection when it comes to infrastructure. Unfortunately, infrastructure can be extremely expensive […]

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Top Questions CFOs Have Regarding Backup & Business Continuity

If your organization is large enough to have a CFO, it surely has some kind of backup and business continuity plan in place. Do you understand how this system works? More importantly, is the system your business has in place actually sufficient to protect you in the event of a disaster? These are questions every […]

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How to Share Screens with Microsoft Teams

  Microsoft Teams is an amazingly powerful collaboration tool that’s available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. At its core, it’s kind of like Slack on steroids, but that core functionality is just the tip of the iceberg. Because it’s integrated with the rest of Microsoft Office, it has so many powerful features. […]

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Is The CFO Today’s Technology Champion?

It’s always been important for the C-suite to understand the cost benefits and value associated with technology projects, but today’s complex infrastructure needs are requiring greater levels of input from financial executives, in particular. Technology spends are increasing dramatically, and there’s a need to balance the shorter-term benefits of specific tactics with the long-term strategies […]

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How Can We Protect Our Emails?

Did you know that 91 percent of all cyberattacks start with a simple email? Phishing emails allow cybercriminals to gain access to computer networks and sensitive data. In these emails were fairly easy to identify due to the number of spelling and grammatical errors. But today, the quality of phishing emails has improved making them […]

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The CFO’s Guide to Smart Investing in Information Technology

Opportunities to spend on tech are endless these days. But your budget isn’t endless. Your company needs to invest in technology, but you need to do it in a way that’s smart and strategic. Check out our CFO’s guide to smart investing in information technology. We’ll show you how to prioritize your technology investment so […]

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Do Businesses Really Need A CHRO?

Human capital is one of the most important business assets and also one of the most elusive. Today’s employees are staying only an average of around 4 years, far different than years past when people regularly stayed with the same company for over a decade. Job stability is a serious concern for organizations, who often find […]

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Evaluating Digital Transformation Efforts

Today’s businesses are nearly all in a period of transition. If you aren’t old enough to have lived it, all you need to do is stream a few episodes of just about any ’90s sitcom to realize that business has changed at an overwhelming pace since then. This change continues today. Companies are all at […]

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