Security Issues That May Leave Medical Practices Vulnerable

Healthcare providers have a legal obligation to keep patient data security, whether it’s at rest on a server or in transit to the cloud or a third party. To maintain regulatory compliance and the confidence of your patients, your practice needs to be vigilant in the technologies that it deploys to make sure that all […]

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Is Your Business Ready for Voice Search?

It’s already obvious to most businesses that search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to business success. That’s because, being listed high in search engine results means a higher likelihood that consumers will go to your website and choose your company to do business with. But what about voice search optimization? Is your business ready? If you’re not familiar with the term, let’s […]

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Did You Know That Java 8 Now Requires Licensing Fees?

Java and JavaScript still the most widely-used languages in business, outpacing C# and Python by a relatively large margin in a recent survey by Cloud Foundry. These flexible, cloud-native languages represent 57-58% of businesses that responded to the study, with Python only being used in about 25% of businesses. Java and JavaScript, along with C++, continued […]

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How Can You Save Money With The Cloud?

Cloud computing transformed the way companies approached their infrastructure. You’re not locked into using on-site resources only. Instead, you have access to a range of cloud-based service providers. It’s common knowledge that the cloud saves businesses money, but you may be wondering about the specifics of how that works and how to get the best […]

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Have You Heard of DuckDuckGo?

The self-proclaimed “search engine that doesn’t track you,” DuckDuckGo is likely the most successful search engine available when it comes to privacy and security. While Google remains the most popular search engine by far, many users are concerned about its practice of collecting and using your personal data. Namely, Google tracks what you search (yes, everything), stores […]

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What Is Google G Suite and What Are the Benefits for My Business?

There are certain functions that every business requires — word processing, analysis, presentations and calendaring — and Microsoft Office used to be the default option for businesses of all sizes. Over the past few years, Google’s G Suite has become an increasingly attractive option for small businesses due to the reasonable price point and the cloud-based software […]

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Can You Legally and Ethically Monitor Your Employee’s Online Activities?

Monitoring employee behavior is nothing new, as supervisors have been stalking their staff for generations. What has changed is the degree to which employee behavior is transparent in the workplace, with sophisticated monitoring solutions in play one could argue that nothing is truly sacred when it comes to being monitored by your business. It is […]

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How AI Is Saving Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Practices An Hour Each Day

The red tape that normally surrounds the administration of patients in the healthcare industry is a leading cause of physician burnout, as many data experts have noted. Healthcare providers are responsible for a growing volume of paperwork and other off-patient work, and the trend towards greater bureaucracy seems to be inevitable. By some estimates, one […]

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